As part of its activities and in line with its principles and objectives, the guiding philosophy of Litokol Lab S.p.A. is to always strive to guarantee innovative and eco-friendly products through high-quality, sustainable production, in accordance with the demands and requirements of all interested parties, while at the same time maintaining high levels of personal safety and environmental protection, not only in terms of conservation, but also as a means of enhancement.
Starting from the implementation of a Quality and Environmental Management System in compliance with the requirements of standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015, Litokol Lab S.p.A. undertakes to pursue innovation and continuous improvement with dedication and consistency, according to the following key principles:
- Periodic identification and planning of clear and challenging objectives regarding Quality and the Environment, and continuous monitoring of the progress of planning and the achievement of objectives
- Achievement and upholding of an excellent reputation in terms of the Quality of the products and services offered
- A constant focus on the Customer and identification and interpretation of their needs, acknowledging their central role in the definition of product and service standards and requirements
- Increased Customer and market satisfaction, taking into due consideration the corporate context, the needs and expectations of interested parties, mitigating risks and welcoming opportunities
- Greater participation and empowerment of personnel through engaging actions, training, and information on issues relating to Quality, Safety, and the Environment
- Continuous professional development of its employees and collaborators through theoretical and practical training, to improve the technical skills, knowledge, and value of its resources, an indispensable tool for continuous improvement and innovation
- Search for an open dialogue with citizens and all interested parties to create awareness regarding the environmental impacts of its activities and promote its Quality and Environmental principles
- Careful consideration of the requests received from interested parties (citizens, employees, customers, suppliers, authorities, and public bodies) and full cooperation with public authorities in managing any emergency situations in order to reduce negative impacts to a minimum
- Collaboration with, and involvement of the various figures in the production chain in order to promote good practices and innovations with a view to sustainable development
- Evaluation and monitoring of the environmental impact of the management of its own production processes and any changes thereto, and a commitment to reducing significant environmental impacts
- Implementation of a management system to help prevent pollution in all its aspects and safeguard the environment
- Optimisation of the use of energy and natural resources, avoiding waste, searching for solutions with the least environmental impact, and promoting circular economy actions
- Reduction and progressive elimination of raw materials hazardous to man and the environment, search for eco-friendly solutions that respect the environment and health and safety of installers and users
- Attention to compliance with contractual legislation and the standards/laws in force regarding the product, as well as with specific customer requirements
- Fulfilment of Environmental compliance regulations and legislation
- Constant implementation and improvement of its Management System and performance levels regarding Quality and the Environment
- Search for continuous improvement with the aim of eliminating Non-Conformities, optimising the efficacy and efficiency of processes, and increasing customer satisfaction
- Innovation and constant search for new solutions in line with the founding principles and specific objectives
Litokol Management undertakes to disseminate its Quality and Environmental Policy within and outside the Organisation, in order that the relative principles are shared, understood, and supported by employees, collaborators, and all interested parties.
Rubiera, 14 february 2022