With a maximum score of 100 points, Litokol has been granted ZERO funding (Zero Environmental Risks in Our building), a research project, which, as part of the POR FESR 2014-2020 "Axis 1, Research & Innovation" funding scheme, aims to identify platforms of base compositions and technologies, with a view towards creating a new generation of building products that meet safety, eco-compatibility and eco-sustainability standards.
Litokol received the best possible score and was ranked first place in both the "Building and constructions" specialisation, and alongside major companies of Emilia-Romagna in the general classification of projects granted funding for "B type" projects. The aim of "B type" projects is to implement research and development activities that seek to introduce new products and technologies to the market, investing in and expanding production processes in Emilia-Romagna with a strong impact on employment in their sector of reference. In financing the project, which has a budget of more than 1.6 million Euros with approximately 50% funded, the evaluation committee expressed their positive opinion, particularly in regards to Litokol's expertise, active scientific collaborations currently in place, the company's technological progress in this sector and economic and market prospects generated thanks to the commercialisation of new products. The kick-off meeting was held last 22nd June in the Litokol training centre and involved various players, all offering their full support to Litokol and the research and development Laboratory during the implementation of the ZERO project. The research project will be completed by April 2018.